Why Write Now?

Welcome to my blog. My name is Ryan and I am 43 years old. Back when I was a little kid, I absolutely loved writing and even won a few writing contests. Creating new worlds and characters that made people laugh, wince, and grin felt amazing. Writing came naturally for me but I thought I should pursue a more stable career path like law. So, I pushed creative writing aside and focused on studying hard in every other academic subject throughout high school and college in order to get into law school. After completing law school, passing the California bar, working endless temporary jobs, and pursuing thousands of permanent job leads, I am 43 and unemployed.

One day while I was scanning the usual daily job postings on my computer, my tired eyes trailed up to a dusty shelf where my battered love of writing still remained. I decided to grab a chair and peer up at my old friend. Piles of spiral notebooks, yellowed sheets of papers, and some chewed up pencils laid under a thick layer of dust and cobwebs.

A small spider stared back at me from an intricate web in the corner of the shelf. The spider did not scamper off or even flinch after my head popped up to look at my old writing tools. The tiny spider just stared back at me, judging me for taking so long to return to my first love.  I paused for a few quiet moments and then picked up the dusty pile lovingly. If I don’t start writing at age 43, then when? So here goes…

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